One-on-One with the Pirates

Editor's note: As the days ticked down towards the kickoff of East Carolina's 2012 football season, Bonesville featured a series of one-on-one interviews conducted by Ron Cherubini (left) with key ECU players. All 18 Q&A sessions are linked in the "Quick Links" navigation table below.

Quick Links to Ron Cherubini's Interviews with 18 of ECU's Finest

Rio Johnson

Michael Brooks

Shane Carden

Jeremy Grove

Justin Hardy

Damon Magazu

Andrew Bodenheimer

Derrell Johnson

Reggie Bullock

Lee Pegues

Will Simmons

John Lattimore

Justin Jones

Jacobi Jenkins

Grant Harner

Warren Harvey

Daniel Drake

Dayon Arrington

Note: Leonard Paulk and Matt Milner were unable to participate in previously-scheduled interviews because of injuries.